We had experienced fertility problems and were heading down the IVF route. The tests that are part of that process diagnosed various male and female factors and the medical solution was ICSI. The far sighted doctor that we were dealing with at the time suggested that some women found that alternative medicine such as acupuncture improved their fertility, although the only suggestion to me was to drink more water, less alcohol and not to smoke. My wife did some research which led to her finding Karen Costin.

A few visits later and she was feeling much better. Along with the stress of the whole idea of ICSI and having to deal with the implications of a low sperm count, work was extremely busy and I was aware my energy levels were much lower than I would have liked. My wife suggested that it might be worth trying acupuncture and somewhat reluctantly and after much persuasion I agreed to give it a try. Karen’s approach is to treat the individual and not just the symptoms and that was a big change to my experiences to that point.

When there are fertility issues, my experience is that the medical profession talk to the women, look to treat the women and the man’s role is to produce the sample and to pay the bills. Dealing with Karen was the first time in the whole process that someone talked to me about how the news of a low count had impacted on me. She also suggested factors that I could change.

Most importantly her acupuncture treatment has had an enormous impact – my energy levels are noticeably higher and my last sperm test came back with the wonderful word “normal”!

Tim, Dublin