Acupuncture Treatments
Many people ask: How can acupuncture help me?
5 Element Acupuncture is one of the most effective treatments for:
- Insomnia
- Anxiety
- IBS and all bowel problems
- Depression
- Post natal depression
- Cystitis and other kidney problems
- Stress
- Chronic fatigue and exhaustion
- High blood pressure
- Asthma
- Migraine
The Benefits of Acupuncture include:
- Improved health, vitality and stamina
- Faster recovery from illness and injury
- A state of well-being, feeling more relaxed and better able to cope with the demands of life
- Reduced stress
- Improved relationships
- Relief from Chronic Pain
Five-element acupuncture is unique because it doesn’t just provide symptomatic relief. Five-element acupuncture looks for the root cause of your pain, disease or imbalance. It is not just the illness that is treated, but the whole person. Working in harmony with the laws of nature, the five-element acupuncturist stimulates your body’s own natural healing response and brings about balance at a deep level.
IVF & Fertility
Acupuncture Doubles IVF Success Rate.Try Acupuncture Now!
Pregnancy & Birth
A Symptom Free Pregnancy...5 Element Acupuncture assists in ensuring you will have a healthy happy pregnancyTry Acupuncture Now!
General Ailments
5 Element Acupuncture - one of the safest ways to overall mental and physical health and well-being!Try Acupuncture Now!
Insomnia? Sleep like a baby!!Try Acupuncture Now!
Anxiety & Depression
5 Element Acupuncture - a journey to healing the spirit!Try Acupuncture Now!
The biggest block to healing is the pharmaceutical industry!!! Chemo kills!!!!Try Acupuncture Now!
Treating Paralysis
The body has the ability to heal itself.Try Acupuncture Now!
The Superior Doctor Prevents Sickness.
The Mediocre Doctor attends to Impending Sickness.
The Inferior Doctor treats Actual Illness.
What Clients Say
The treatment that Karen has given me over the last year has been life changing!
My energy levels are noticeably higher and my last sperm count came back with the wonderful word NORMAL!
I was told at my age and with the state of my eggs that I would never conceive. Thanks to Karen, I now have two beautiful children. I would strongly recommend any women to try Acupuncture before giving up.