CV/GV Block
This amazing treatment demands a dedicated practitioner to master these points and assist phenomenal changes for the patient.
For more information on CVGV please read my full unabridged article from Autumn Edition of ACU.
The ‘Hui Yin’ acupuncture point gathers the soul, mind and body of the entire body. It is the most vital acupuncture point for healing all sickness’ (Soul Mind Body Science System, Dr & Master Zhi Gang Sha and Dr. Rulin Xiu, page 107).
There has been very little written about ‘Hui Yin’, or CV1, the first point on the Conception Vessel, other than this very powerful point lies on the perineum. Bearing in mind that the perineum as part of the anatomy is completely different in women and men, it does seem odd that so little time and attention has been spent studying this area of the anatomy. During my own training, nearly thirty years ago, while much time was spent on surface anatomy in general, there was very little detail focussed on the perineal cavity or the sub-surface anatomy in that area which is extremely important in understanding how to find CV1.
CV 1 is a controversial point, not least because we were not given the correct tuition and so were left to our own devices – many of us hoped that the point would go away or at the very best cease to exist! Any practitioner working with this point will have to process their fear. This could include fear of palpating a patient’s perineum, or fear of needling the point. Fear of penises! Fear of the vagina! Fear of being misunderstood, fear of making a patient feel uncomfortable, embarrassment, awkwardness, fear of clumsiness or missing the point, fear of triggering abuse memories and maybe not knowing how to handle what comes up – there are many and varied reasons why we may feel a little reluctant to enter this territory. Yet the point is far too valuable to ignore, and some patients just cannot be fully helped without using it.